Picky Eating Project - Australia

PEP-Australia is being led by Rati Jani. PEP-Australia is supporting two doctorate candidates namely Ms Aila Shareef and Ms Shashya Savindya. Inauguration of the picky eating project is attributed to internal funding namely, (1) University of Canberra (UC): Early Career Academic and Researcher Development Grant. CIA, $10,000, 2020-21. (2) UC Pitch for Funds. CIA, $3250, 2019-2020. (3) UC Seed Grant. CIA, $5,000, 2019-20. The PEP aims to investigate environmental and endophenotype determinants of food preference and picky eating. The PEP is a multi-phase, multi-centre project conducted by an international research team (Australia-India-Malaysia). Phase one is targeted toward school-aged children 7-12 years. Phase two is targeted towards adults. Phase three will then design and deliver a culturally appropriate intervention promoting healthy eating.

Meet the Team

Contact us.

Dr Rati Jani

School of Health Sciences and Social Work

Griffith University



Picky Eating Project - Malaysia


Picky Eating Project - India