Functional Foods and Nutrition Research (FFNR) Laboratory

Welcome to FFNR Laboratory

Functional Foods and Nutrition Research (FFNR) Laboratory is located at the University of Canberra within the Faculty of Health. We are one of the most productive research and collaborative laboratories consisting of an interdisciplinary and international team of academics, clinicians and professionals.

The main streams of research are orientated towards the following areas;

  • Development of functional foods and beverages

  • The effects of functional foods and beverages on the psycho-cardiometabolic outcomes

  • Antioxidant & phytochemical analysis of various plants and plant-based foods

  • Food, mood and behaviour

  • Flavour/taste mimetics and psycho-cardiometabolic responses

  • Effects of low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets on physical and mental health

  • Effects of dietary patterns and supplements on cardiovascular and cognitive function.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and we will contact you to discuss the potential for collaboration further.

“All food must be sent to lab for tasting”

Dixie - Mascot of the FFNR Laboratory